Why choose Skills International as a Partner?
Our project team has successfully finished more than 20 EU funded mobility projects as coordinator and has received a number of Awards for Quality in Mobility, among them also the Erasmus+ Award 2015 Nomination.
What costs are covered by Erasmus+ KA1?
Organisations can make an application to cover
- Course fees
- Travel and accomodation
- Individual support for living expenses
Who may apply for training funding to participate in training events abroad?
Organisations can submit applications under Erasmus+ KA1
- in the field of Education and Training, participants are school staff, adult education staff, higher education teaching and non-teaching staff
How to apply for Erasmus+ KA1 funding
Apply for Erasmus+ KA1 Funding with Skills International (Austria)
- The next deadline to apply for a mobility project with staff training in the Erasmus+ KA1 Education and Training will be published later and will probably be in February 2020.
- Add Skills International as a partner with the PIC Code 997663916. We will provide you with our partner profile.
- Including a SKILLS KA1 moblity and organisational agreement enhances the chances to win the application.
REFERENCES: Skills International has co-ordinated the following Erasmus+ KA1 projects:
- MUSEUM EDUCATION (Erasmus+, 2018 – 2019)
- Create – Share – Grow – Linkup (Erasmus+, 2017 – 2018)
- DIGITAL FILM MAKING for Broadening the Landscape of Informal Adult Education
- 3D VIZUALISATION for Learning in the Classroom with Mobile Phone Devices
- FANTASY TO REALITY – From Adult Literacy Skills to Augmented Reality (ERASMUS AWARD Nomination)
Support and helping hands
Simply send an email to training@skills-int.com or call +43 6645359598. We will also organize free applicant webinars.