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Discover the Culture and History of Europe with Joyful Learning - Skills International GmbH
Skills International

News and Information

Discover the Culture and History of Europe with Joyful Learning

June 19, 2019 | Andrea Fenz,

E+ KA1 Info  |  Agreement E+

Cultural Education

Europe and the countries and regions of Europe have a long and interesting history. The training aims to equip teachers and trainers with the skills to integrate joyful learning activities into their daily practice especially for disadvantaged learners, such as migrants and refugees.
This course is also eligible for staff training Erasmus+ KA1.

Target Group

The training is designed for participants who want to gain skills how to turn innovative results into business and entrepreneurship. Creative minds and entrepreneurs are the main beneficiary group for the training and certification. You will be enabled to identify your core competences and strengths. As a next step the training will give you the necessary tools and knowledge to create an enterprise.


Overall Course Goals

The training of creative thinking and entrepreneurship is hands-on experience where entrepreneurs and potential start-ups can experience and exchange ideas to create an enterprise based on innovation.

Learning Objectives

The staff involved in the staff education mobility is expected to reach the following LEARNING OUTCOMES:

1. The trainees have knowledge how museum education approaches can be integrated into methods and tools in adult education.
2. The trainees know about digital tools or online strategies used by museums.
3. The trainees can develop strategies to enrich the teaching methods and tools for disadvantaged learners.
4. The trainees have know-how about producing digital learning resources and how to create eLearning environments and courses.
5. The trainees are able to produce short videos for disadvantaged learners with migration and refugee background.

Training Modes

The training provides an intensive learning experience with tutorials and presentations, group work, exercises, stand-up sessions and brainstorming. The training of creative thinking and entrepreneurship is a hands-on experience where entrepreneurs and potential start-ups can experience and exchange ideas to create an enterprise based on innovation.

The course is eligible also as staff training co-financed by Erasmus+ Key Action 1.

Course fee: € 450 for the one week training.
For trainings in Austria 20% VAT apply.


July 31, 2017 | Andrea Fenz,

MyEurope also offers online learning for all those interested in developing their competences in participatory photography and digital film making for intercultural learning. Visual methods allow people to tell their stories trough images. In online webinars are free and they are made for self-study. All those interested will learn about tools to use and create own simple videos which you could share for intercultural dialogue.

Training Overview

January 1, 2017 | Andrea Fenz,

Skills Training Courses accelerate your Success



Training Courses

All of our courses were developed by experts – based on 20 years of experience we enhance the quality. The training is exclusive for you, not for the masses.

Prove your skills with certification for professionals internationally.

German / Deutschkurse

November 18, 2016 | Andrea Fenz,

Here you find information about German classes and useful resources for trainers, teachers and students to teach and learn German.

Treffpunkt Deutsch. Das Freiwilligenangebot des ÖIF.

Österreichischer Integrationsfonds: Zusammen Österreich Lernplattform (Deutsch)

Österreichischer Integrationsfonds: Mein Sprachportal. Materialien für den DaF- und DaZ-Unterricht mit Schwerpunkt Österreich.

Österreichischer Integrationsfonds: In den Fact Sheets präsentiert der ÖIF in Kooperation mit der Medien-Servicestelle Neue Österreicher/innen (MSNÖ) relevante Hintergrundinformationen aus dem Bereich Integration und Migration. Download 24 Fact Sheets Österreich (Deutsch).

Österreichischer Integrationsfonds: Staatsbürgerschaft und Einbürgerung.

Rechtsvorschrift für Integrationsvereinbarungs-Verordnung, Fassung vom 18.11.2016. Vom Österreichischen Integrationsfonds (ÖIF) können nachstehende Institutionen auf Antrag als Kursträger für Deutsch-Integrationskurse zertifiziert werden.

AMS Broschüren. Leben und Arbeiten in Österreich. Zum gratis Download auf Deutsch, Englisch, Franzöisch, Arabisch und Farsi


August 11, 2016 | Andrea Fenz,

EU Project Management Creating European Values and Citizenship

26 – 29 September 2016    | Vienna, Austria

Welcome to this intensive training course about EU Project Management in Vienna!

Adult Literacy Vienna Multiplier ConferenceThe complexity of the European funding landscape has increased considerably within the period 2014-2020. SKILLS provides training programmes and consulting to help individuals and organisations to implement their European project management and networking strategy.

Overview of the course

The aim of this intensive 4-day course is to train European Project Managers to effectively manage partnerships in multi-team projects.

Who should attend?

This course is relevant to individuals who are appointed as project managers to develop and implement EU-funded projects. The course is also eligible as staff training for Erasmus+ KA1 participants, who may add additional days if foreseen in their projects. The event targetscanstockphoto12146803

– newcomers to the world of EU projects
– experienced managers of European projects
– representatives of authorities, schools, enterprises

For Project Managers – You have to manage an existing EU-funded project? Project Management is the right choice.
For coordinators and partners of funded European projects who need to manage and implement European projects.

Certification: ECQA Certified EU Project Manager, Certificate of Attendance

IMG_0808 brussels parliament

Workshop Presenter: Andrea Fenz, Director Skills International GmbH

Download: Agenda   Registration

Your benefits

A senior project manager and with experience in more than 40 EU-funded projects over the last 20 years will moderate practical workshops based on profound theoretical knowledge and practical case studies to prepare you for the following topics:


  • The training comes with optional two level certification – ECQA Certified EU Project Manager and professional certificate. The certification is based on an online test which can be taken internationally following the same principles and certification criteria.Having completed the training workshop, you will have a profound know-how about all phases to manage EU-funded projects across the complete project life-cycle.????????????????????????????????????
  • The course provides tips on how to collect information,  how to manage teams and partnerships and how to avoid errors in finance management.
  • Get a full insight into all phases of project management from the contract negotiation to final reporting. You will have a chance to further develop your project or idea in exchange with trainer and other participants.

Eligible for Erasmus+ KA1 participants: yes

Fees: 560 Euro + 20% VAT
including training course, materials, coffee break and lunch

Download: Agenda   Registration


January 16, 2016 | Andrea Fenz,

Skills International Partner Profile


EU Programmes in Detail

November 13, 2015 | Andrea Fenz,

Programmes in Heading 1: Competitiveness for growth and jobs

Connecting Europe Facility
Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME)
Customs, Taxation and Fight against Fraud
Employment and Social innovation Programme
Horizon 2020
Nuclear decommissioning assistance programmes

Programmes in Heading 2: Economic, social and territorial cohesion

Cohesion fund
Less developed regions
More developed regions
Outermost and sparsely populated regions
Territorial cooperation
Transition regions
Youth employment initiative

Programmes in Heading 3: Sustainable growth: natural resources

Common Agricultural Policy (pillar I)
European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Life programme
Rural Development (CAP pillar II)

Programmes in Heading 4: Security and citizenship

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
Civil Protection Mechanism
Consumer Programme
Creative Europe
Europe for Citizens
Food and feed
Internal Security Fund
IT systems
Justice Programme
Rights, Equality and Citizenship

Programmes in Heading 5: Global Europe

Common Foreign and Security Policy
Development Cooperation Instrument
EU Aid Volunteers
EU Civil Protection and European Emergency Response Coordination Centre
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
European neighbourhood Instrument
Guarantee fund for External actions
Humanitarian aid
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC)
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)
Instrument contributing to stability and peace
Macro-financial assistance
Partnership Instrument (PI)

EU Proposal Writing Details

October 20, 2015 | Andrea Fenz,

EU Proposal Writing

The project development and proposal writing courses will get you prepared for the 2014-2020 funding period.

The practical hands-on courses build on 20 years of experience providing you first with an overview on the new funding opportunities.

In a second step, this training is a practical course for successfully preparing and writing European project proposals for European funding programs. In understanding what is needed in the way of clarity and purpose and being able to accurately state it within the confines of the proposal architecture you will learn to compose and deliver a project proposal with a high degree of acceptability.

EU Project Development & Proposal Writing Workshops are offered in different modules:

  • One or two days intensive workshops
  • One week practical hands-on workshop for groups
  • In-house writing seminars
  • eLearning and Webinars
  • Add-on modules for ECQA Certified EU Project Managers.


Project managers and proposal writers active in the field of research, education, innovation, regional policy etc. to acquire the right skills for project development and writing.

Welcome Skills backup

October 17, 2015 | Andrea Fenz,

Skills International GmbH is specialized in the development and management of EU-funded projects building upon networking and collaborating efforts throughout the European Union and on an international scale.

You will also find a range of targeted training courses:

  • ECQA Certified EU Project Manager
  • ECQA Certified Researcher – Entrepreneur
  • Language and literacy courses, proposal writing
  • Audits, Reviews and Finance in EU Projects


 Tag rund 10-05Text Flächen Web KA1

More information…

As certified training organisation in the European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA) we offer courses on a regular basis. Please check out the Calendar section of this site. Feel free to contact us for further information.

See also our Brochure.

Skills International GmbH – Oberfahrenbach 59, 8452 Grossklein, Austria – Tel: +43 (0)664 5359598, Skype: skills-int, Director: Mag. Andrea Fenz

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Horizon 2020 New Call Round

October 11, 2015 | Andrea Fenz,


Your Benefits Continue Here

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