Financial Framework 2014-2020
Commitments in EUR million (current prices)
1 | Smart and inclusive growth (total of 1a + 1b) |
508.921,0000 |
1a | Competitiveness for growth and jobs | 142.130,0000 |
European satellite navigation systems (EGNOS and Galileo) | 7.071,7300 | |
European Earth Observation Programme (Copernicus) | 4.291,4800 | |
Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning | 1.643,0920 | |
Of which: nuclear safety | 198,4920 | |
Of which: decommissioning | 969,2600 | |
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | 2.985,6190 | |
Horizon 2020 | 79.401,8270 | |
Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs (COSME) | 2.298,2430 | |
Education, Training, Youth and Sport (Erasmus +) | 14.774,5240 | |
Social Change and Innovation | 919,4690 | |
Customs, Fiscalis and Anti-Fraud | 908,0090 | |
Connecting Europe Facility | 21.936,7590 | |
Energy | 5.850,0750 | |
Transport | 14.945,0820 | |
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) | 1.141,6020 | |
Of which: transfer to ENISA agency | 0,0000 | |
Agencies before transfer | 2.293,1290 | |
Other | 2.003,4540 | |
Margin | 2.078,0050 | |
1b | Economic, social and territorial cohesion | 366.791,0000 |
Youth Employement Initiative (specific top-up allocation) | 3.211,2160 | |
Regional convergence (Less developed regions) | 185.374,4160 | |
Transition regions | 35.701,3090 | |
Competitiveness (More developed regions) | 55.780,1420 | |
Territorial cooperation | 10.228,8100 | |
Cohesion fund | 74.928,3590 | |
Outermost and sparsely populated regions | 1.562,9860 | |
Margin | 3,7620 | |
2 | Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources | 420.034,0000 |
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) — Market related expenditure and direct payments | 312.735,0000 | |
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) | 95.577,0520 | |
European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries | 7.404,8420 | |
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund | 6.396,6070 | |
International fisheries agreements and obligatory contributions to Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) | 1.008,2350 | |
Environment and climate action (Life) | 3.456,6550 | |
Agencies | 387,4840 | |
Margin | 472,9670 | |
3 | Security and citizenship | 17.725,0000 |
Asylum and Migration Fund | 3.137,4250 | |
Internal Security Fund | 3.764,2260 | |
IT systems | 138,6610 | |
Justice | 377,6040 | |
Rights and Citizenship | 439,4730 | |
Civil Protection Mechanism | 223,7760 | |
Europe for Citizens | 185,4680 | |
Food and feed | 1.891,9360 | |
Health for Growth | 449,3940 | |
Consumer protection | 188,8290 | |
Creative Europe | 1.462,7240 | |
Agencies | 4.003,3030 | |
Other | 678,7090 | |
Margin | 783,4720 | |
4 | Global Europe | 66.262,0000 |
Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA) | 11.698,6680 | |
European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) | 15.432,6340 | |
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) | 1.332,7520 | |
Instrument for Stability (IfS) | 2.338,7190 | |
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) | 2.338,7190 | |
Partnership Instrument (PI) | 954,7650 | |
Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) | 19.661,6390 | |
Humanitarian aid | 6.621,6960 | |
Civil Protection and European Emergency Response Centre (ERC) | 144,6520 | |
European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps EU Aid Volunteers (EUAV) | 147,9360 | |
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) | 225,3210 | |
Macro-financial Assistance | 564,5550 | |
Guarantee fund for External actions | 1.193,0690 | |
Agencies | 154,0630 | |
Other | 1.167,2520 | |
Margin | 2.285,5600 | |
5 | Administration | 69.584,0000 |
6 | Compensation | 29,0000 |
MFF 2014 – 2020 | 1.082.555,0000 |